While patients with advanced stage cancer are generally treated by hem/oncs or med oncs there are several tumor types that involve specialty areas beyond oncology. In the case of advanced prostate cancer, urologists play a key role in disease management and this is clearly reflected in promotional efforts. In the figure below we’ve used the MDDetails platform to chart paid physician engagement for a number of products which play in the space.
Treatment Sequence
Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is recommended as the initial treatment for advanced stage prostate cancer and is then typically followed by a secondary hormonal therapy (e.g., anti-androgen). Chemotherapy is generally reserved as a later line option.
Promotional Focus
Interestingly, we see a very strong correlation between line of therapy and promotional focus. Engagement activity for the ADTs (i.e., Trelstar, Eligard, and Firmagon) is focused within urology, whereas promotion for the anti-androgens (i.e., Xtandi and Zytiga) is clearly split between urologists and oncologists. Furthermore, promotion of Jevtana (chemotherapy) sits exclusively within oncology. Note that Xofigo is somewhat of a complicated case as it contains radioactive material (radium 22) and requires coordination with a radiologist.
[pullquote]How we can help: MDDetails tracks promotional activity across hundreds of disease areas and can provide a data-driven perspective on market specific coverage and specialty mix requirements.[/pullquote]